Wednesday, October 5, 2011

While wearing fingerless gloves...

would your fingers stay warmer if you painted your nails?

*sometimes I have the strangest thoughts*

:) Stay excellent!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It never looks good (or sane for that matter) if you're sitting on the counter in the laundry room, starring off into space, while talking to yourself when someone walks in unexpectedly... Especially if they go to the same school as you. Lol *AWKward!*
"In my opinion, there's almost nothing better than the joy of God manifested in a small, fat, little bird!"

Monday, September 12, 2011

In the Garden

There's something so blissful about reading the Bible in a garden... Even if said garden is in the middle of busy, noisy, midtown Manhattan. :) Little sparrows are playing at my feet and in the bush behind me! If I hold very still, they hop inches away from me. They're so close, I feel like they might just land on my hand if I held it out... 

Lord, you see when a sparrow falls, you see when my heart is heavy and when it is light. You know my lying down and getting up. Thank you for loving me and thank you for sharing a lifetime with me. It wouldn't be the same without you. My life is completed by you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


concurred and conquered...

I feel like these two words actually have a lot to do with each other. *random wheels are turning in my head*

...just thought I'd share.

Stay excellent! :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene

The Lord of heaven AND earth is in control.  I have tried to make the best educated decision about whether or not to evacuate... now all I can do though is wait it out.  What an experience!?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Soon & Very Soon

"I will be with the one I love. With unveiled face I'll see Him. Then my soul will be satisfied. Soon & very soon... Though I have not seen Him, my heart knows Him well. Jesus Chirst my love, the Lord of Heaven."

There is something truly empowering about day dreaming about God. When you get so caught up in the glory of Jesus Chirst... His undying love was proven to be everlasting when He chose to die for my sin & shame. He loved the church, His bride, so much that He was willing to not only make sacrifices but to sacrifice EVERYTHING in order to protect the love of His life.

Wow. The phrase, "love of my life" seems to take on such a complete meaning when you think of Jesus living only to die for us because He loves us so much. I am the love of His life. You are the love of His life. We all are.

Now I know that it would be absolutely ridiculous to think that I might be able to wait & find a guy to spend the rest of my life with that even remotely holds a candle to Jesus... :) but being Christ like is definitely something I have my eyes pealed for.

Until then (and even after) Christ loves me so unconditionally it makes me want to cry tears of joy. Silly, giddy, romantic tears because the God of the universe has his eyes set on ME! He has pledged a vow of everlasting love.

Because you can't see it for yourself I'll just inform you that if you couldn't have guessed it...

I have a HUGE smile spread across my face at this moment. :')

Friday, July 22, 2011

Car Conversations

This was the conversation in the car today:

Cheyenne: "I just want to ask... Do you have a boyfriend?"

Me: "No, I don't have a boyfriend."

Cheyenne: "That's kinda sad."

Josh: "Cheyenne!!!"

Me: "Well, Cheyenne.. God just hasn't opened the door for that in my life right now. & I'd much rather have a boyfriend that I intend to spend the rest of my life with than someone I'd be in a relationship with just because."

Cheyenne: "Yeah, that's good. But you know, if you did have a boyfriend, you could tell us about him & then we could possibly meet him someday!"

Me: "Well, how about this... Why don't the three of us stay friends after this summer. We can stay in contact. I'd love to hear what you guys are up to. & then someday when I get a boyfriend I'll tell you about him, you can meet him, & then you can be friends with him as well. Deal?"

Josh & Cheyenne emphatically: "Yes! Deal."

This actually made me extremely happy. & I felt totally content with God's timing after having this conversation with the kids.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ok. So, the best way to get customers to actually stop long enough to come over to your lemonade stand, is to serenade people by singing & playing guitar from across the street. Case & point: the two little boys today that somehow managed to make me laugh so much that I couldn't help but pay 50¢ for a glass of lemonade :)
*loud ringing* this is a test. *static graces your screen* Please hold as I try to figure out why the blog won't let me post anything*!!!